Thursday, December 30, 2010

[BM] Usul & Mekanisma Pelaksanaan (MTC PCZ)

Matan usul & beberapa cadangan mekanisma pelaksanaannya..
Penjelasan bagi usul ini akan diperkemaskini dari semasa ke semasa sebelum dibentangkan pada 1 Januari 2011 dalam Mesyuarat Tahunan Cawangan Zagazig

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

[Eng] Old Nostalgic Stuffs

While I was cleaning up my drawer, I saw these few things which brought back my old memories around my good ol'school days

I never could understand, why people would wishes and kept reminding me that I'm getting older and older, year by year.. Usually I won't have to worry about it, since i never got any wishes/letters/cards apart from my family.. But that time, for some reason, there were some people who kept track of my birth date, surely supprise me (and freaked) out a bit... Even I didn't care about my own..

Monday, September 20, 2010

[BM] Pesanan Buat Yang Terlupa

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Cuti Akhir Tahun Kita

Cuti akhir tahun hampir/sudah tamat sudah cukup rasanya buat masing-masing melepaskan geram peperiksaan, rindu yang terpendam & bertebaran ke serata tempat meluang masa yang ada dimanfaatkan. Tidak kira bagi sahabat yang pulang ke tanah air, mahupun yang menetap di bumi pengajian masing-masing.

Segala perancangan sebelum cuti (juga semasa peperiksaan berlangsung) cuba dilaksanakan mengisi ruang waktu yang cukup panjang ini. Ada yang sempat pulang berjumpa ayah bonda serta keluarga yang tersayang, ada yang sekadar mengutuskan salam melalui internet & sms sahaja kerana tidak pulang. Saya mendoakan sahabat sekeluarga sihat sejahtera & diberkati dalam naung rahmat Allah S.W.T.
-Apa khabar orang kampung, lama sudah tak berjumpa, kirim-kirimlah berita, janganlah senyap sahaja-

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

[Eng] Preparing 4th Year Final Exam

I've passed or should I say I have confronted forensic final round exam & practical exam with ease. Not sure whether this is only what I felt but for me to answer it quite well sure enough to prove it is easy.

I studied it quite last minute, which is 2 and half days for final round & just few hours for practical. But these surely cannot be done during my final exam soon because I don't want any repeat papers.

So, here I go, trying to start my first page for Community Medicine tonight. I have 10 days countdown to complete, comprehend & memorize everything from the book.
Note to Self:
Be confident, do not waste your time for other non-beneficial stuff since you're used more than 2 days to finish multiple movies & series, one after another. Now you should focus reading the topics one after another

Friday, June 4, 2010

[Eng] Path I've Chose

5 days after my last written words (in my black book). Those were about:
1) Genius vs Perspiration
2) Lucky vs Blessed
3) Imagination vs Hallucination
4) Jealousy vs Envy
5) Interest vs Love
6) Pretending vs Truth
7) Friends vs Rivals
8) Cool vs Hot
9) Past vs Present vs Future

Mostly related about my current situation in Egypt. More precise about studying medicine &  as a student in Muslim Country (or rephrase that : as a Muslim Student)

Monday, May 31, 2010

[Photo/ Arabic/ Eng] 4 Gaza I'll Pray

I dedicate my prayers to my muslims brotherhood who are striving harder to survive from the hands of Zionist.. May Allah Bless the souls whom have shaheed in battle & may Allah crushes the enemies of Islams whom tries to deceives the eye of the world

Credits for
1) original copyrights to:
Author: Yumi Hotta
Illustrator: Takeshi Obata
Publisher Shueisha


Friday, January 22, 2010

[Eng] Lain Daripada Orang Lain

Be uniQue, Why ?
Editor: Afdhal87
Why is that some people's discussions end in argument while others may discuss the same subject and end their discussion in a friendly manner?

It has everything to do with the skills of holding a discussion.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

[BM] The Malay Race

Proud to be a Malay i supposed, haha..

I'm not racist by publishing this post, but recently I wonder how can a small group of my people (I'm comparing them to the whole world population) living in the Southeast Asia have almost the same facial complexity, but when comparing to other nearst region of Asia besides them as the China, Japan, Korea and other eastern countries shows a major difference in that complex.

So I went trough the internet andI just found out these fascinating articles about Malay..