Saturday, July 27, 2013

[Eng] The Blind Doctor (part 1)

[Intro songs starts, audience clapping]

Andrew (A): Hello and welcome back to our show. Tonight we have a very special guest for our show. Ladies and gentlemen, give him a warm welcome of applause, Dr Fattah Al-Amin. How are you doctor?

Dr Fattah (Dr): I'm fine thank you, Andrew.

A: Sorry for the inconveniences, are you comfortable here doctor?

Dr: It's okay Andrew. Pardon my shades. Your studio shines of its prestige, blinds my eye.

A: A doctor with a sense of humour, ladies and gentlemen.

[Crowd shares the giggles]

Friday, July 12, 2013

[Eng] Don't stop believing

A platform or a stage or simply a spot,
It gives powers that bestowed upon,
Speakers, performers & exhibits plots,
The ability to tackles mind & heart,
Of those who hear, see & feels.

Results from such give wonders,
Either creating new or similar flows,
Innovative or creative prospects,
Of which the audience then show,
Either will reduced, similar or even grow.

Crowds may conjured or dispersed,
Depending on the trade that being placed,
They come as an empty vessel,
Once return either zero, half or full,
Depending on feelings that works their mind,

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

[BM] Hajat Beradat

Dari kampung membawa ulam,
Pucuk ubi, kaduk & pegaga,
Dari jauh berutus salam,
Moga sihat diri sekeluarga.

Adat beradat berzaman lamanya,
Terkenal hingga negeri orang,
Hajat bermula dengan bertanya,
Sudilah kira berterus terang.

Indah corak si batik jawa,
Tema bunga daun beralas,
Warkah sepucuk hajat dibawa,
Moga isi terzahir jelas.