Friday, April 26, 2013

[Eng] Review: Direct Red: A Surgeon's View of Her Life-or-Death Profession

Direct Red: A Surgeon's View of Her Life-or-Death Profession
Direct Red: A Surgeon's View of Her Life-or-Death Profession by Gabriel Weston

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

There should be made compulsory for those who wanted to pursue in medical or any health care profession to be well-informed or have a written consent before they started their med-school. I'm sure that this book is one of them.

Some might have been drawn in by tv series about doctors life (which probably did each and every doctor wannabe would have kept all the episodes), but does it really shows what does real one really think of?

A personal view well written by a surgeon (intern and attending), a woman and a mother.

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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

[BM] Soal itu

Apa pernah dibiarkan hilang kuasa bicara,
       Tatkala wujud masih kudrat di sisi,
Bila mungkin sampai ke telinga,
       Tatkala tak pernah terucap rapi,
Mana pergi keinginan berbahasa,
       Tatkala engkau tandus mencurah bakti,
Siapa pula kau biarkan leka,
       Tatkala alasan itu kau bawa mati,
Bagaimana mungkin kau ingkar dengan rasa,
       Tatkala kau sama laungkan pasti

[Eng] Hearing aid

We do know what hearing aid is. The true purpose was to help people who are unable to hear sound which travels through air (this is important, as we could only use this medium to hear properly) due to his/her conducting and/or perceptive deafness.

As technology and urbanization evolves, we, the young generations has become the pioneer towards psychology and medicine (especially ENT) findings. We contributed to a great era by developing a new subtype of deafness of which we call 'Selective deafness' (other information about this is in here, here and here). 

Yes, we have made an opposite of usage of an aid by creating subtype of deafness which I would call it  Hearing Aid Relative Deafness, or HEARD. Before we continue, forgave me for all intentionally annoying puns I've made through out this article.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

[Eng] Ignorance Never a Bliss

Knowledge is a gift to those who appreciate it. We might memorizes information or heard (or perhaps read) about news. Some of us may have stored abundance of sources and obtain various (educational) degrees of which we majors in.

The same goes to one who bears nothing. Puzzled with the term 'Ignorance is bliss' which quite more often said to those who didn't know about the truth.

(note: the correct usage of the phrase - often better not to know about something unpleasant, something that you say which means if you do not know about a problem or an unpleasant fact, you do not worry about it)

Few things comes in my mind:

1) Should not knowing about Addeen or Religion be blissful?
2) A misinformed or misdiagnosis of a cancerous tumour or disease became pleasant?
3) Not knowingly our own (present/ future/ ex-) spouse cheating or our own sons/daughter lost their virginity, to some person we know could sustain domestic interaction?
4) Unknowingly being tricked by media which covering the bad side of government create peace and harmony?
5) Our own financial crisis being kept secret to our own-self by someone who knew provide good future trust?

Should the truth came as such, doesn't it better to be well informed so that we could manage these obstacles instead leave it be?

We need to know regardless other said it as unpleasant. Either a good or a bad news, it should be the one who accepts it first.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

[Eng] Why must..

Why must I always choose the hard topics to be discussed?!

It gives me writer's block

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

[BM] Review: Seharum Kasturi Putih

Seharum Kasturi Putih
Seharum Kasturi Putih by Awisul Islah Ghazali

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Pengalaman orang lain amatlah bermakna. Apatah lagi apabila seharian berhadapan dan berhubungan dengan pelbagai ragam jenis manusia. Pengalaman para pengamal perubatan yang termuat dalam buku kecil ini, sedikit sebanyak membuka seribu satu persoalan minda buat masyarakat kita di Malaysia. Meski tema berkaitan dengan isu kesihatan, namun selitan isu penting kita sering lupa antaranya isu ketentuan Ilahi, isu kemanusiaan dan cabarannya, isu kenegaraan dan kedaulatannya.

Tak dinafikan, wujud juga ramai orang jahil ilmu keduniaan, apatah lagi ilmu agamanya sendiri. Apabila wujud sikap bodoh sombong, makin banyak kesilapan berulang. Akhirnya masyarakat 'jahiliah' kembali semula dengan isu moral dan aqidah.

Moga coretan penulis ini difahami dan diselami dalam jiwa pembaca dalam usaha meningkatkan peribadi dan pemikiran rasional masyarakat kita di Malaysia ini, khasnya buat para Muslimin.

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Friday, April 12, 2013

[BM] Mujur ada yang..

Ada yang suka sangat meminta-minta, mujur ada yang sudi memberi.

Ada pula yang suka memberi, mujur juga ada yang sudi menadah.

Ada juga yang tak buat apa-apa, sekadar menanti menunggu 'nasib menyebelahi' dirinya. Kalau ada nasib baik, kalau tidak, nasib badan katanya.

Mujur ada 'nasib', tapi kenapa bergantung kepada nasib & bukan tuhan?

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

[BM] Review: Gagasan 1Malaysia - Kesinambungan Bina Negara-Bangsa

Gagasan 1Malaysia - Kesinambungan Bina Negara-Bangsa
Gagasan 1Malaysia - Kesinambungan Bina Negara-Bangsa by Mohd Ayop Abd Razid

My rating: 1 of 5 stars

Saya mengharapkan buku ini pada awalnya menerangkan konsep bawaan DS Najib Razak dalam pentadbiran beliau terajui. Namun sayangnya, buku hasil himpunan penulisan dalam ruangan akhbar secara berkala sekadar mengangkat-angkat segala gerak langkah PM ke6 itu.

Ada sebahagian tulisan Ayop Abd Razid di sini boleh diklasifikasikan sebagai teguran, namun apabila kembali cerita seputar tindakan PM dalam pelaksanaan transformasi beliau, ianya dinilai terus sebagai satu kejayaan tanpa prospek penuh semua sudut nilai baik mahupun buruk.

Bukanlah salah penulis dalam penyampai beliau ini, kerana beliau sekadar mengulas hal semasa dengan mendukung aspirasi PM baru ketika itu ditabalkan amanah tersebut.

Dalam menyanjungi slogan 1Malaysia, tidak boleh dilupakan peranan rakyat melayu majoriti dan parti kuasaan elit melayu UMNO yang hasilnya disusun dibahagian akhir terbitan ini dilihat sebagai fokus asal agenda asal penubuhan gagasan tersebut.

Sayangnya penulisan ini sekadar dilihat dari pandangan penyanjung tegar dan bukan pemikir kritis yang seharusnya sama menjadi acuan pembentukan aspirasi 1Malaysia itu.

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Monday, April 1, 2013

[BM] Review: Kaum-Kaum Yang Pupus

Kaum-Kaum Yang Pupus
Kaum-Kaum Yang Pupus by Harun Yahya

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

When a history/ tales of any nations has been written in The Holy Quran , sure it should be something not to be forgotten off. As a Muslim, we should believe that these stories are meant to be taken seriously not to be repeated so long as we live.

The stories of Prophets and their followers either they submit to the teaching or they denied it, should also reflected to us nowadays as a reminder.

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