Saturday, September 29, 2012

[BM] Penguasaan Bahasa Tertier

Baru-baru ini dalam laman sosial, saya banyak mengetengahkan aspek penekanan penguasaan bahasa dalam kebanyakan komen kepada isu-isu yang berkaitan.

Antara isu yang saya ikuti adalah 'pendidikan awal menggunakan Bahasa Kebangsaan atau Bahasa Inggeris', 'Sekolah Vernakular', 'PPSMI' dan 'Bahasa Ilmu Dunia'.Memandangkan kebanyakan isu tersebut mempunyai perbahasan yang panjang lebar dan melibatkan dasar pendidikan negara, saya ketepikan dahulu perkara-perkara tersebut.

Kita cuba fokus kepada isu 'Bahasa Tertier'. Lihat situasi dalam kartun manga di bawah ini. Apakah yang boleh kita kaitkan?

Team Medical Dragon: I do not own the copyrights of the artwork

Monday, September 24, 2012

[Eng] 'The Green' Contraception (part 2)

The first two of main cause in 'contraception' by marriage has been discussed here. Shall I remind you again, my explanations regarding these methods criticizing people who disrespect this Institution.
Thus my second post this time, will revolving around the marriage life of any couple which prevent conception and expansion of their family members.

3) Loyalty of Cheater, Brings Out the Green Monster

Okay, stop picturing the thin green stuffed frog from Sesame Street. That
monster is hug-gable. Perhaps you could bring him out if you use it to cuddle when you cry. Please, not the Big Green Muscular Beast who crushes everything in his path while saying his name and what he is doing out loud. Unless that beast is what will comes out when you are angry. More over, why on earth would you use them for a method?

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

[BM] Aku Si Gagal

"Sungguh melayu pantang dicabar. Pantang lagi bila dikutuk dikeji." Ehem, dah selalu sangat dengar ayat ini, tapi, jauh-jauh boleh kot cakap macam ini, bila dekat-dekat takut juga. Sekadar intro untuk entri kali ini. Insyallah berkait dengan kejayaan kita di muka bumi Allah ini.

Siapa tak benci bila diberi gelaran yang kita tidak suka. Macam-macam gelaran boleh kita 'terima'. Hodoh, muka buruk, pemalas, sombong, dengki, lembab, kuat merajuk, katak, penguin, tikus, pendek, gemuk, boroi apa lagi nak? Tapi boleh lagi kita beri toleransi untuk sebahagian perkataan tadi, mungkin atas sebab 'menghampiri' sifat yang ada pada diri. Saya tekankan perkataan "sebahagian", biar jelas.

Bagaimana pula jika 'sifat' yang terpalit pada kita itu adalah kerana satu kegagalan yang kita hadapi?
"Woi, budak gagal"
"Ek eleh, dapat E, ko tengok aku, A siot"
"Dah terhantuk baru nak tergadah, baru padan muka kau"

Pantang sungguh bila diri digelar 'si gagal' oleh orang lain. Mau tidaknya, bukan hari-hari kita gagal. Entah-entah untuk isu itu hanya sekali sahaja kita rasai. Jadi, buat apa perlu saya hairankan kalau mendapat sekali dua kegagalan dalam mata pelajaran sebagai contoh. Adakah ianya merangkumi kegagalan diri saya sendiri dalam seluruh kehidupan?

Monday, September 10, 2012

[Eng] Marriage as 'good' contraceptive method (part 1)

We've seen that the world population has suffered from mass-media-caused dilemma downgrading the most sacred constitution in human circle of life. Whenever a family or married couples has internal problems, it will go public as matter for discussions.

From early marriages, young-old couples, polygamist even divorces becomes hot news in that damn box and paper. I'm not referring this marriage topic in a positive point of view this time. I'm criticizing the people who made marriage straying out of its norm course causing it to be a 'good' contraceptive method.

Therefore, before I start to spewing my thoughts around, remember this, according to a research: In order for any culture to maintain itself for more than 25 years, the fertility rate should be more that 2.11 children per family. If anything less, the culture will decline. Historically no culture ever reversed at rate of 1.9, while at rate 1.3 it is impossible. As an example, if two sets of parents having a child each it is equal to half number of the first generation. The next generation in the line will only be 1:4 related to their grandparents.