Saya cuba untuk sentiasa bersikap rasional pabila bercakap mahupun menjawab terhadap sesuatu perkara. Dalam erti kata lain, jika saya amat lambat bertutur, memberi maklum balas, mahupun perbuatan saya sendiri, saya mohon maaf terlebih dahulu. Itu caraku.
Sila rujuk pada tarikh setiap tulisan saya untuk melihat maksud tersurat mahupun tersirat. Ini supaya anda dapat menilai sendiri serta menjawab perbezaan pandangan saya sendiri dalam tulisan yang berlainan.
Saya masih mencuba untuk memberikan takrif diri sebaik mungkin. Anggap ini, masih belum siap
I'm trying to be in rationale state of mind when talking & responding to people. In other word, if I'm too slow to say something, reply something or do anything else, I'm sorry. That's how my mind work
For every article that have been written, please associate with the publishing date, so that you could see the context of some issues that was mentioned. This is to ensure that you, the reader, understand that the reason I said something as such, but in another article, I suddenly contradicted myself.
I'll try my best to describe myself later on. Assume that these are still unfinished
Rangkaian sosial/ Social network:
Saya cuba untuk sentiasa bersikap rasional pabila bercakap mahupun menjawab terhadap sesuatu perkara. Dalam erti kata lain, jika saya amat lambat bertutur, memberi maklum balas, mahupun perbuatan saya sendiri, saya mohon maaf terlebih dahulu. Itu caraku.
Sila rujuk pada tarikh setiap tulisan saya untuk melihat maksud tersurat mahupun tersirat. Ini supaya anda dapat menilai sendiri serta menjawab perbezaan pandangan saya sendiri dalam tulisan yang berlainan.
Saya masih mencuba untuk memberikan takrif diri sebaik mungkin. Anggap ini, masih belum siap
I'm trying to be in rationale state of mind when talking & responding to people. In other word, if I'm too slow to say something, reply something or do anything else, I'm sorry. That's how my mind work
For every article that have been written, please associate with the publishing date, so that you could see the context of some issues that was mentioned. This is to ensure that you, the reader, understand that the reason I said something as such, but in another article, I suddenly contradicted myself.
I'll try my best to describe myself later on. Assume that these are still unfinished
Rangkaian sosial/ Social network:
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