Sunday, November 22, 2009

[Eng] Islam, Anyone?

Invitation To Understanding Islam
dihantar oleh : hankypanky
editor : everjihad


Allah makes a natural covering for all His creatures but not for His best creation: the human being. Instead, Allah tells us why and how we should clothe ourselves. Then Allah leaves us to choose whether to obey.

True Muslims always choose to obey Allah's commands.

The Noble Qur'an says:

“O children of Adam! We have sent clothing to you to cover the shameful parts of your body and to serve as a protection and decoration; but the best clothing is the clothing of piety” [7:26]

[BM] My Friend & I

7 Cara Menangkis Virus Ukhuwah

Dalam surat Al-Hujurat, Allah swt memaparkan 7 sikap bagi kita untuk membasmi virus-virus ukhuwah yang bisa menghancurkan kekuatan ukhuwah yang telah dibina.

[BM] Sedekah

Dipotong Tangan Kerana Memberi Sedekah
Dihantar Oleh: Zaroul Iswan
Karya: Harzimi Ibrahim
Editor: b_b

Dikisahkan bahawa semasa berlakunya kekurangan makanan dalam kalangan Bani Israel, maka lalulah seorang fakir menghampiri rumah seorang kaya dengan berkata, "Sedekahlah kamu kepadaku dengan sepotong roti dengan ikhlas kerana Allah SWT". Setelah fakir miskin itu berkata demikian maka keluarlah anak gadis orang kaya, lalu memberikan roti yang masih panas kepadanya. Sebaik sahaja gadis itu memberikan roti tersebut maka keluarlah bapa gadis tersebut yang bakhil itu terus memotong tangan kanan anak gadisnya sehingga putus.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

[Photo] Aktiviti Masa Lapang (2008-2009)

Ahli Bait Sahaja (2009)




Most of the pictures (in this folder) showing of us eating.. Why not? Food excites my taste buds & mood

Aku balik musim panas 2009 

Click here for more

Saturday, September 26, 2009

[Photo] Militarism Verve 2 - Raya 2009


Konvoi Lagi ^_^ This time, is a whole day convoy.. (picture is linked)

Friday, September 18, 2009

[BM] Ahlan Bikum Wa Marhaban

Selamat Datang, Ahlan Bikum, Welcome,

Khusus buat adik-adik baru yang menjejakkan kaki mereka ke bumi anbia..
Tak sempat nak sambut korang semua kat sana.. Tapi takpe, senior2 yang lain insyallah menyambut korang dengan baik.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

[Video] People Tried To Talk, Would They Listen?

Another well directed short film about what happen within our country

Taken from

Friday, August 21, 2009

[Video] I Like This One

Mainly about sedekah & what we should do even small thing could be done just for preparation for our afterlife..

taken from

Monday, July 13, 2009

[Photo] Summer 2009 With Friends

Dah study penat-penat throughout the year, we should deserve to have a cheerfull holiday,
So here we are... (picture is linked)

Saturday, June 13, 2009

[BM] Hanya Sementara

Kejayaanmu, rezekimu, kesejahteraanmu, merupakan berkat doa Ibu Bapamu yang tidak putus-putus dipohon kepada Yang Maha Memberi. Andai ianya ditarik jaminan itu, engkau hanya tinggal kosong sekiranya bukan engkau yang mencari jaminan itu.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

[Eng/ Photo] Who You Are and Where I Am..

I'm nobody without you
Who came to me without hesitation
Tought me the everything about life
Never stop even a second
Nor even I'm not listening
Nor bored repeating
Kept giving without taking
Makes everything you do priceless

You'll never stop what you did best
Moulding a HUMAN for sake of Humanity
Who would give good for the better future
Thanks to you My Teacher
Who made me where I now stand

Thursday, May 14, 2009

[BM/ Eng] Balik Lagi Tahun Ni

~aku tak jangka nak balik lagi tahun, but something come up which change my mind suddenly~

"Rasanya tahun ni tak balik kot. Cukup kot kalo 2 tahun sekali balik Malaysia kan?", the line I used explaining to all family members & my friends.

"Kalau ada rezeki lebih saya balik la, mana tau kot-kot boring duduk kat Mesir tu," who thought that this line would really meant that I'll fly to home again this year.

Monday, March 23, 2009

[Photo] MARA ZQ 1st Batch

Aku saja je nak buh gambar ni. Macam best.

Tapi sorang lagi je tak ada. Kalau tak cukup korom.

Dari kiri: Faiz, Irfan Aqli, aku, Hazwan, Firdaus

Thursday, March 5, 2009

[Eng] What Has Happen 2 U Lately

-Procrastination of everything
-Ignoring UR core business
-DeTour in UR head
-Finishing the job only if others sees the outcome
-Reaching for fame @ modest?
-Ignoring people around & came back only when need them around

Sunday, March 1, 2009

[Photo] Just around the corner

The schedule are out & our exam will start in May 2009

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

[Photo] Epik Sinai 2009


Orang kata, jauh pejalanan luas pemandangan..
Duduk kat Mesir, kalau tak pergi tengok kesan tinggalan sejarah Para Anbia' & Pembuktian Al-quran, masakan dapat mengukuhkan kepercayaan kita?

(click here for more)

Monday, January 19, 2009

[Eng] Destructive Mode

I thought I've passed that stage long before. Didn't thought it would reappear again. Yet, by means of destruction, it became more one the psychological side.

I've tried to cope "that problem" which I did manage to succeed in a bout maximum of 6 mont. But now, at most it just reach till a week. Was it attributed with an adjuvent factors which made it to become more & more visible?
