Thursday, May 14, 2009

[BM/ Eng] Balik Lagi Tahun Ni

~aku tak jangka nak balik lagi tahun, but something come up which change my mind suddenly~

"Rasanya tahun ni tak balik kot. Cukup kot kalo 2 tahun sekali balik Malaysia kan?", the line I used explaining to all family members & my friends.

"Kalau ada rezeki lebih saya balik la, mana tau kot-kot boring duduk kat Mesir tu," who thought that this line would really meant that I'll fly to home again this year.

One of my ZQ colleague said (in Malay of course),
"We have the money to travel, but why not home?"
"I dont want to miss the opertunity to see my own parents before my eyes while they are still alive","But be sure if you'll return, tell your parents that you'll be back"

But that is not the reason why I suddenly change my mind. It's another story that affect one of myAzhari housemate here.. News of death. One night (the next day is our Parasitology Practical Exam), the news hits him, his father just passed away (Innalillahi Wainna Ilaihi Raji3un, may God bless his soul). A news that you wouldnt want to be heard when you'll facing Final Year Exam (Luckily he can cope the news).

After that night, he told me, "Abang terkilan sebenarnya, sebab tak dapat tengok wajah ayah abang masa dia meninggal"

That shaked my stand (sekering-kering hati ni, bila sebut pasal Kematian Mak Bapak, siapa-siapa pun akan terasa)

Then, I heard an offer from my other housemate,
"Wan, ko nak balik tak tahun ni,"
....."Ko pun terpikir nak balik gak?"
"Huh, maunya tidak, jadi kat ahli bait sendiri tu,"
....."Aku pon terasa gak bila tengok jadi macam tu kat dia"
"**iz (the one who said the line above) ada cakap kat aku sblum ni, "Kalo ada duit, baik balik je. Entah bila boleh jumpa nanti. Aku tak nak menyesal bila ada peluang tapi aku tak dapat balik","
....."So, bila nak survey tiket?"
"Kita cari lepas Exam Practical Patho eh"
....."Aku on je"

Then, our flight has been booked for 3 seats.The date would be on 3rd Aug-30th Sept.. The whole 2 month should be enough right?

Now, I hope that I could fly home without having to care about "Re-Seat Exam" (<-TAK NAK!!)

Chronology Of 3rd Year Final Exam:

A) Practical:
2/5: Microbiology
5/5: Parasitology
9/5: Pathology
16/5: Pharmacology

B) Written & Oral:
19/5: Paper 1
23/5: Paper 2
26/5: Oral
3/6: Written
5/6: Oral
17/6: Paper 1
20/6: Paper 2
21/6: Oral
30/6: Written
1/7: Oral

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