Saturday, November 16, 2013

[Eng] The Blind Doctor (part 3)

[Intro songs starts, audience clapping]

Andrew (A): Hello again and welcome back. We sure took a lot of breaks when the story is right at it's peak. With us tonight is Dr Fattah Al-Amin or some of his colleagues knew him with his old name Dr Franklin A. Archer. So please continue doctor.

Dr Fattah (Dr): Thank you, Andrew. Before I continue, could the audience give a show of hands, who are the non-Muslims?

[About 30 people raises their hands]

And among these lovely people who are brought here by themselves?

[About 10 people continued raising their hands]

So, Andrew, could you tell me how many are there since I obviously couldn't see that.

[The crowd laugh out of realization]

A: There are 12 among 35 came by themselves.

Dr: Alhamdulillah Masyaallah.

For me, I was never been approached or I, myself to approach Islam as a Religion before the accident. Never did I would have any trigger in my mind nor heart to know about any Religion in this world.

Becoming a Muslims, doesn't mean I shifted my life 180 degree totally. There's part of me not being left behind. We brings all the goodness together. What was left only what in our right & sound minds thinks that is bad. Islam is a Faith of Fitrah. "Fitrah" is what I gave a literal translation of "Natural instinct". It is natural to think of safety when we are surrounded in an environment that "threaten" us.

A: So by embracing Islam, it gives you a better perspectives & insights?

Dr: Correct. Andrew & my dear audiences. Have you ever puts yourselves in someone's shoe? By becoming someone to get a better view of things & experiences?

This is what most of Muslims in the world wants the West & most of the countries in The UN to think about. Why was it bad when a Muslim do something, but when it goes to them, they'll called it as 'Human Rights', 'To Establish Peace' & 'Civilized'.

This is what losing sight giving different views felt like. What I previously perceived was getting clearer now. But I'm not asking for all of you to starts to remove your eye as sake of a better view for the whole world. We was fed by hate & prejudice to things which are foreign to us.

I even agree if other religion would say the same to us Muslims.

A: Why is that Dr Fattah?

Dr: Because of this gap of understanding between believers, it creates conflict. When one thinks that others should not be given enough respect, they'll oppress them. Same to us Blinds.

As a disabled, I was tease because of my disorientation with my surroundings which I am not familiar with. Given pretence of those I could not reach with my senses. This is similar to what we have been fed by the media. We see what have been told by people who leads.

A: But doesn't it a good thing if the one leading us is the one have the knowledge & scholar?

Dr: True. Now, each & every one of us who hold dear to their own religion, may I ask you series of questions that might stir a bit your pillar of your beliefs?

Does your religion have a Guidelines, a Holy Book and Script?
Does it have different versions of the guidelines?
By whom it was given or spread to you?
Have the content teaches you the good & the bad?
Was all the teaching contradicting one another?
Have it leads you to multiple understanding or misconceptions?
Does a scholar in your religion helps for further interpretation for you?
Again, does he/she leads you to multiple understanding or misconceptions?
Do you have other scholar as a source for interpretation?
Was it the similar or giving a totally different point of view?
How many that support the interpretation & what do you feel about their views?

Do you now claim the Guideline, Holy Book or Script was sent by God?
Do you now belief that your religion is the truth?

[Some of the audience nodded & shake their heads accordingly answering themselves]

A: That was quite difficult questions doctor, indeed. I think that you're addressing these questions to reach for the one who leads us in our daily lives.

Dr:Yes, that is correct Andrew. Now try to use this as a guide in the most secular ways for a while. Toward our media or even upon how people use it against other people.

A: Now I see. You are trying to relate with Surat Al-Hujurat verse 6

O you who have believed, if there comes to you a disobedient one with information, investigate, lest you harm a people out of ignorance and become, over what you have done, regretful.

Dr:Yes, but don't stop there Andrew, finish the story so other could truly understands

A: Okay, next verse from 7 until 10 would be:

And know that among you is the Messenger of Allah . If he were to obey you in much of the matter, you would be in difficulty, but Allah has endeared to you the faith and has made it pleasing in your hearts and has made hateful to you disbelief, defiance and disobedience. Those are the [rightly] guided.

[It is] as bounty from Allah and favor. And Allah is Knowing and Wise.

And if two factions among the believers should fight, then make settlement between the two. But if one of them oppresses the other, then fight against the one that oppresses until it returns to the ordinance of Allah . And if it returns, then make settlement between them in justice and act justly. Indeed, Allah loves those who act justly.

The believers are but brothers, so make settlement between your brothers. And fear Allah that you may receive mercy.

Dr: Then Andrew, after stating all of these, what are the next guide given in a summary that you knew in the next few verses?

A: There's one shall not ridicule one another as the other might be better than us. Next was not to make assumptions, no spying or back stabbing. These are being described in verse 11-12

Dr: Correct, but don't leave the best part of this lovely Surat in verse 13.

O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.

A: These are parts of  the guidelines given to us Muslim. But still not all of us knew nor practice this in their daily life.

Dear audiences, as a conclusion of this series, to choose a path is a choice made by the one who walks. We may be persuaded or being drag toward one side. But the acceptance and will to continue walking, lies within ourselves.

Me and Dr Fattah Al-Amin chooses path of choice after few times of side-track. I agree that I too was persuaded by some people, but to stays as a Muslim, is a choice made by the free will, given by Allah Azzawajalla. 

You may compare this to other Muslims out there, whom are not taking his faith seriously. But this is the challenges faced for us in this world of 'FITNAH' where we search for 'FITRAH'.
I thank you Dr Fattah for sharing his experience. I thank you all & congratulate for being able to share this moments together. Until next time, 
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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