Thursday, August 1, 2013

[Eng] The Blind Doctor (part 2)

[Intro songs starts, audience clapping]

Andrew (A): Hello and welcome back to our show. The show where we share experience of one of our new brothers and sisters who embraces Islam as their religion of choice. Addin that our God, Allah Almighty, we worship and nothing but Him.

Tonight with us ladies and gentlemen, give him a warm welcome of applause, Dr Fattah Al-Amin. Nice to have you here doctor.

Dr Fattah (Dr): Thank you, Andrew.

A: Dr Fattah Al-Amin, born in a Catholic family. Your name before was Frank Archer, am I right?

Dr:Yes, Andrew. It is Franklin Anthony Archer. And I still use that name in some event though. But during introduction, I'd prefer to use Fattah Al-Amin.

A: Well folks, as you all knew, Dr Fattah was been with us from the beginning. He has shared with us his early blindfolded era. Am I using the correct term here doctor?

Dr: Yes Andrew. The same as what we have practices backstage prior. [Crowd laugh altogether]

A: Okay then. You have shared with us and have mentioned about your accident and how you've manage to find a beautiful young lady right? [Crowd laugh again]

Dr: Haha, nice one Andrew. Now you're teasing me. Yes, so and so.

A: Care to tell us more, please?

Dr: Gladly.

My wife, Fatimah Abdel Malik, which at that time was my physiotherapist, and again I stressed out that during my rehab, it was strictly profesional. [Everybody laugh]

After Emma, my wife's nickname, taught me the Solah movements and reciting, I come to a keen sense of liking the prayer. The Muslim Prayer. You see, Andrew. She might taught me what was being practiced in her school about Yoga moves or any ordinary exercises, as for her, I'm not a Muslim. Those exercises could also done the same thing for my rehab in sense of working my muscle in a slow and steady way to strengthen in day by day.

But the fact that I myself asked her to teach me. For me, that is one of God's way, Alhamdulillah, to know better of Islam. I was not forced nor being approached by preacher in God's Name. But the senses comes to me with touch of mercy.

A: There shall be no compulsion in acceptance of the religion, The Deen.

Dr: Yes. That's right Andrew. In Surah Al-Baqarah or Chapter of the Cow:

أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم

[Some of the audience whispers the same verse altogether]

There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong. So whoever disbelieves in Taghut and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing.  

A: Masyallah. That's beautiful isn't it? [Crowd nods]

Dr: Well, Andrew. It seems that Allah didn't left me hanging in the dark after all. Then comes my treating surgeon, again, in the walkthrough of finding religion and meaning of life.

A: But you've said earlier that he has nothing to do with your Shahada? That was Fatima or Emma's role, isn't it?

Dr: Yes. That is correct. During my follow-up with him. If I'm not mistaken, he stumble across me while I'm doing my Solah movements in the rehab centre. There he asked me, have I become a Muslim? I said not yet.

A: Not YET [emphasizing the word]

Dr: Yup. It seems, like the surgeon and the physiotherapist knew each other. They are in-laws. The surgeon, Gaber Hussien married my wife's big sister, who was also a medical staff. Details aside, the surgeon was also one of the Imams in the Muslim Community Centre and certified preacher of Islam.

A: This has becoming more interesting. The twist of fate entangling people closer, doesn't it?

Dr: Yes Andrew. This was no Karma. Because if it does, than my next life I would become a goat or a cat for my misdeed in my previous life. This is the beauty of how Allah call me back from astray.

Gaber, he suggested me to come and visits the community centre. Just to experience how Muslims perform the prayer in Jamaah. I was not acquainted with Muslims, let alone, how their community works. All I have known of them then was Bombing and Terrorist act, Women oppression and 4 wives [Crowd laughs at the last part]

A: So how did you pursue the invitation?

Dr: I took it without any hesitancy or doubt. That was my third week of my rehab. The day where I could walk at ease with my cane. But still need someone to steer my way around as I still in my Vision Rehabilitation Service Programme. Gaber agrees to be my eyes. But then, I have to use my own as ears and heart to perceive the rest

It was at sunset prayer, Maghrib. It was my first time to hear the calling of prayer, Azan, of which the meaning too was fascinating. Never did Islam preaches of hates or call of war. They called for prayer and success altogether side by side.

A: Tell us about your first Solah bil Jamaah, group prayer.

Dr: Andrew, that night was my first orchestra. Symphony of God's words carried by His servants. The Imam of the Maghrib Prayer, the conductor and the musician. But the writer and composer was Allah's creation alone.

Emma teaches me well for praying recitation. But there are more addition to what I have learned. Right after Al-Fatihah, there was few verses recited by the Imam. I asked Gabar about the translation after we finished prayer. That was Ayatul Kursi, the verse I previous read to you and these words:

أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
[The audience whispers in audible tone following Dr Fattah's]
Allah is the ally of those who believe. He brings them out from darknesses into the light. And those who disbelieve - their allies are Taghut. They take them out of the light into darknesses. Those are the companions of the Fire; they will abide eternally therein. 
[Some audience sobs in tears]

A: Allahu Robbi. Allah is My God. Ladies and gentleman, doesn't that touches you deep in your heart? Are we talking about the day that you embrace Islam?

Dr: Andrew, now you are spoiling the good part.

Yes. That was the night. I remember it clearly. On 1 Rabie' Al Awwal, 15th day of January. The day I was reborn. On the Thursday night, or we Muslims said it the night of Jumaah. I announced my faith in front of the Imam of our Maghrib Prayer.

A: Alhamdulillah Masyallah. Mabruk, I must say that was an experience not all of us could get.

Sorry again, for now that I had to interrupt all of us for a while. We will take another break. A moment of which some of us might need to brace up as the story today sure touches each and every soul that hears it.

Stay tune with us for more with our guess, Dr Fattah Al-Amin.

[Outro music fills the studio]

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