Monday, June 18, 2012

[Video/Eng] Reverting the Systems

Just yesterday (17th June 2012), our study circle (our group of discussions) come to a topic about 'Freeganism' brought up by another friend, Ahmad Naeem. For me, the concepts is irrelevant  to be implemented in Malaysia or any other country that have Islamic Muamalah.

Syukran to Baihaqi Saharun who love to discuss important issues regarding 'Muslims World Nowadays'. He shared this video lecture about 'Fair Trade Commerce for a Better World' by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf.

Most of the content is about changing back our world now into the world what Islam's want through Islamic Muamalah. Shyakh Hamza Yusuf did mention about freegan though just to show that even the non-muslims did not like the current system of their own country.

[Eng] Genius is a label by Human

By saying other people genius, we're underestimating ourselves way too much, as Allah creates human equally, what makes them differ is their knowledge.

Why knowledge makes so much the difference? Because Allah sees his believers by Taqwa. Taqwa comes from the act of acknowledgement that "there is no other God but Allah" giving that us believer should obey The Almighty Creator.

How do we achieve this level? Through gaining knowledge about science in general & Islam as Addeen. Both are fixed side-by-side together.

Then, you'll see how many Muslim's scholar reached the peak similar to the level of people we say geniuses. These scholars are the one who praises the knowledge of seeking Allah's blessings.

To say someone is a genius is what we people sees in them. Instead of gaining popularity among human, us the creation, should seek the for approval of Allah, as The Almighty look deep into human through their Taqwa & Iman. In other words, why gain from an equal approval when we should seek from the Higher-up?

Saturday, June 16, 2012

[BM] Kalam Jelata Buat Nakhoda Kaya

Karya sasterawan  negara dalam menyampaikan kerisauan dalam hati nuraninya sepanjang dilihat beliau pada kacamata seorang rakyat.

Dua puisi yang saya nyatakan di sini, menyentuh kalbu buat rakyat marhaen berfikir memilih halatuju masing-masing

[Eng/Photo] This Bloody Hands

Saturday, June 9, 2012

[BM] Lagu Kepada Pencipta

Sambil-sambil ulangkaji pelajaran, aku tengah pasang lagu untuk bersantai-santaian, tiba-tiba sampai lagu yang dinyanyikan oleh Jamal Abdillah. Meneliti liriknya, jelas buat Maha Pencipta di kala dijemputNya kembali

Thursday, June 7, 2012

[Eng] Experience of Other's

Life is sure short even between us as the creation of God we didn't know when will be our turn to be called by the 'angle of death'.

When we hear the term "learning from experience", it doesn't only refer to own. We gain these by listening stories, reading historical events, seeing from documentaries.

As life is too short, experience is gain quickly by learning. Where could we catch these up if it's not from our surrounds?

Saturday, June 2, 2012

[BM] Puisi Utk Mata Hati (Pejuang Negeri)

Rupanya pejuang nasional tak pernah dihargai,
Dicaci diherdik pada zaman sendiri,
Khidmat & usaha hanya akan dipuji,
Apabila si pengherdik terjatuh mati.
Para pejuang berani mati,
Cukup terseksa & dikeji,
Di mata penghukum pengkhianat jati,
Sedangkan tujuan membebaskan diri.
Dilaungkan bangkit bangun & berdiri,
Berhimpun berarak serta berdemontrasi,
Tak perlu jentera kebal & senjata api,
Cukup dengan pena menulis puisi.

7.24pm (+8GMT), 2 Jun 2012.
(karya sepontan dituliskan di ruang dapur rumah MKR)