Daurah kitab Syamail Muhammadiyyah 27/1-29/1
Berkaitan dengan hadith sifat-sifat Rasulullah SAW, penyampai : Al-Fadhil Ust Husni Genting.. Kelas mula lepas maghrib (tamat pukul 10pm, 10.30pm, 12.30am untuk 3 hari).. Malam terakhir dapat ijazah Kitab Syamail Muhammadiyyah & Musalsal Makan Dubba' (Labu)
Family Day PERUBATAN 30/1:
Budak laki bertolak beramai-ramai from ZQ heading Cairo..
Hari pertama indoor games.. Aku join Chess tournament (1- menang 4- kalah <-- teruk betul -_- !) .. Budak lain join whatever they're best at ( ie: PES08, Ping Pong, Dam Haji) nak lagi seronok, the game event overlaping each other, jadi, wakil ZQ terpaksa la bahagi dua badan dorang, main PES-Ping Pong, PES-Dam..
Malamnya berkampung kat rumah Syahir. Despite just entering a game (compare to others) aku tidur paling awal pulak tu (recent & common occurence of the headache)
[Sepatutnya aku kena balik ZQ malam ni gak, utk settelkan First Aid registration (utk malaysian student), tapi aku dapat perlepasan, so tak payah penatkan badan nak balik sana. Datang Cairo ni pun kononnya nak settlekan sekali borang-borang budak Cairo yang nak join sekali]
Con't Family Day 31/1: Out door game..
ZQ laki hantar wakil untuk bola tampar je. By saying "ZQ Laki" only Naufal, Hadi, Hakimi, Aqli, Hazwan, Shafiq & Me. Bola tampar, satu sukan yang aku tak familiar langsung (tapi tau gak la main), we just play along with the games though. (1-win, 4-loses, macam game chess aku gak -_-!) Habis main, terus direct to ZQ.. I still have to settle the 1st aid program. Some of us stayed for tomorrow (penyampaian hadiah)..
Aku sempat settlekan pasal 1st aid tu pukul 11pm, sebab arab coordinator tu pergi Cairo gak ada Maarad Kitab (aku tak sempat pergi pon T_T untuk tahun ni punya). Aku kena marah dengan coordinator tu sebab lambat bagi kata putus bilangan orang yang nak join program tu. Sebab bilangan peserta terlampau ramai & kemungkinan instructor (ikut posting/station) tak cukup.. Hmm macam mana ni?
First Aid Course For Malaysian Students 2/2:
Pagi; Jemput peserta kat Mahattah Sampai
Petang; Program berjalan dengan lancar
Malam; Pengsan #_#
Trip to Cairo (Rombongan Universiti) 3/2:
Berkumpul kat bangunan muhafazah seawal 7am (kena tunggu setengah jam untuk semua sampai). Hmm summary of the trip:
-Arabic Cinema (الجزيرة) [not the kind of activity for a trip like this to start with. they booked the cinema just for this groups (egyptians + malaysians)]
-Sakkara Palm Club [for the egyptians, the club rocks, for malaysian, the club is just a damn rock (no need to elaborate)... we (malaysians) just wandering around, taking few silly picture here & there, eat lunch & play some games]
-Horse Ride in Giza [dah penat sebenarnya, sebab takde mood.. so some of us take our dinner while the egyptians spends their best time by their ownselves]
-Mall [dont really know where we are at that time, there is bowling center, ice skating & few other places that have closed at that late hour]
-Hussain St. [have no strength to wander around... its mid night, what the heck do we have do during this hour besides sleeping (still exausted from the 1st aid program though), few of us spent in the bus while some have their supper (still have the energy to eat eh?)
-Reach ZQ [5.30am the next morning.. yeah, we arrive just at the right time of azan.. jadi mushrif sat, pastu balik; rehat]
NB: esoknya exam untuk 1st aid.. kitorang siap ada yang bawa buku log untuk study dalam bus
Exam First Aid: 4/2:
Aku lulus (sekadar lulus je la)
Mata oh Mata 5/2:
Pergi قطاية kampung Bemo (arab yang cadangkan 1st aid + committee of malaysian student affairs). Tujuan utama aku sebab nak buat cermin mata baru (Doc Nasser kata headache aku maybe sebab power mata aku dah bertambah).
Despite of the condition of the place (tak sampai hati nak describe) mak dia treat aku baik skali. Hidang ayam sumbat dengan nasi (seekor untuk aku je), set buah-buahan, jus koktail, halawiyat.
Dalam pukul 8pm baru gerak pergi ديرب نجم, kedai cermin mata abang dia (Ust Aiman). Settle check-up (kat klinik mata tingkat atas kedai abg dia), pastu balik rumah (pukul 10 kalau tak silap)
Sampai rumah, dalam pukul 11pm Ust Hafeez Salim(TYDP) & Ust Dahlan (YDP BKAWM) datang singgah rumah atas.. Apa lagi, layan sembang r sampai pukul 2am. Naufal & Abduh datang gak jenguk sekali (datang pukul 12.30-1.30am).. Macam jaulah tak rasmi la pulak.. Ntah macam mana aku boleh tahan pulak bersembang sampai pukul 2 tu
6/2: Comatose
Berkaitan dengan hadith sifat-sifat Rasulullah SAW, penyampai : Al-Fadhil Ust Husni Genting.. Kelas mula lepas maghrib (tamat pukul 10pm, 10.30pm, 12.30am untuk 3 hari).. Malam terakhir dapat ijazah Kitab Syamail Muhammadiyyah & Musalsal Makan Dubba' (Labu)
Family Day PERUBATAN 30/1:
Budak laki bertolak beramai-ramai from ZQ heading Cairo..
Hari pertama indoor games.. Aku join Chess tournament (1- menang 4- kalah <-- teruk betul -_- !) .. Budak lain join whatever they're best at ( ie: PES08, Ping Pong, Dam Haji) nak lagi seronok, the game event overlaping each other, jadi, wakil ZQ terpaksa la bahagi dua badan dorang, main PES-Ping Pong, PES-Dam..
[Sepatutnya aku kena balik ZQ malam ni gak, utk settelkan First Aid registration (utk malaysian student), tapi aku dapat perlepasan, so tak payah penatkan badan nak balik sana. Datang Cairo ni pun kononnya nak settlekan sekali borang-borang budak Cairo yang nak join sekali]
Con't Family Day 31/1: Out door game..
ZQ laki hantar wakil untuk bola tampar je. By saying "ZQ Laki" only Naufal, Hadi, Hakimi, Aqli, Hazwan, Shafiq & Me. Bola tampar, satu sukan yang aku tak familiar langsung (tapi tau gak la main), we just play along with the games though. (1-win, 4-loses, macam game chess aku gak -_-!) Habis main, terus direct to ZQ.. I still have to settle the 1st aid program. Some of us stayed for tomorrow (penyampaian hadiah)..
Aku sempat settlekan pasal 1st aid tu pukul 11pm, sebab arab coordinator tu pergi Cairo gak ada Maarad Kitab (aku tak sempat pergi pon T_T untuk tahun ni punya). Aku kena marah dengan coordinator tu sebab lambat bagi kata putus bilangan orang yang nak join program tu. Sebab bilangan peserta terlampau ramai & kemungkinan instructor (ikut posting/station) tak cukup.. Hmm macam mana ni?
First Aid Course For Malaysian Students 2/2:
Pagi; Jemput peserta kat Mahattah Sampai
Petang; Program berjalan dengan lancar
Malam; Pengsan #_#
Trip to Cairo (Rombongan Universiti) 3/2:
Berkumpul kat bangunan muhafazah seawal 7am (kena tunggu setengah jam untuk semua sampai). Hmm summary of the trip:
-Arabic Cinema (الجزيرة) [not the kind of activity for a trip like this to start with. they booked the cinema just for this groups (egyptians + malaysians)]
-Sakkara Palm Club [for the egyptians, the club rocks, for malaysian, the club is just a damn rock (no need to elaborate)... we (malaysians) just wandering around, taking few silly picture here & there, eat lunch & play some games]
-Horse Ride in Giza [dah penat sebenarnya, sebab takde mood.. so some of us take our dinner while the egyptians spends their best time by their ownselves]
-Hussain St. [have no strength to wander around... its mid night, what the heck do we have do during this hour besides sleeping (still exausted from the 1st aid program though), few of us spent in the bus while some have their supper (still have the energy to eat eh?)
-Reach ZQ [5.30am the next morning.. yeah, we arrive just at the right time of azan.. jadi mushrif sat, pastu balik; rehat]
NB: esoknya exam untuk 1st aid.. kitorang siap ada yang bawa buku log untuk study dalam bus
Exam First Aid: 4/2:
Aku lulus (sekadar lulus je la)
Mata oh Mata 5/2:
Pergi قطاية kampung Bemo (arab yang cadangkan 1st aid + committee of malaysian student affairs). Tujuan utama aku sebab nak buat cermin mata baru (Doc Nasser kata headache aku maybe sebab power mata aku dah bertambah).
Despite of the condition of the place (tak sampai hati nak describe) mak dia treat aku baik skali. Hidang ayam sumbat dengan nasi (seekor untuk aku je), set buah-buahan, jus koktail, halawiyat.
Dalam pukul 8pm baru gerak pergi ديرب نجم, kedai cermin mata abang dia (Ust Aiman). Settle check-up (kat klinik mata tingkat atas kedai abg dia), pastu balik rumah (pukul 10 kalau tak silap)
Sampai rumah, dalam pukul 11pm Ust Hafeez Salim(TYDP) & Ust Dahlan (YDP BKAWM) datang singgah rumah atas.. Apa lagi, layan sembang r sampai pukul 2am. Naufal & Abduh datang gak jenguk sekali (datang pukul 12.30-1.30am).. Macam jaulah tak rasmi la pulak.. Ntah macam mana aku boleh tahan pulak bersembang sampai pukul 2 tu
6/2: Comatose
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