Might not an instant change but accordingly. In their own pace, to their own eras.
There is still a long way to go for me to acquire knowledge & wisdom from other people.
Sunday, December 7, 2014
[Eng] As a kid, how Manga & Anime helps me to see the world
Might not an instant change but accordingly. In their own pace, to their own eras.
Sunday, November 23, 2014
[Eng] Being Incredibly Observant, or Judging?
Some are caused by their thick hard front covers. Together with their thicken plots and chapters of what their life has been. They are the classics or appreciated as book of life. Always being re-told and reprinted for their values for the love of sharing.
Hard covers doesn't mean they're the best. They might been left in the dusty place where no one cares to read. Or they just might be a well funded author who boasting his stories forcing people to read their works.
Saturday, November 8, 2014
[Eng] How good are you in keeping secrets?
If you are the type claiming to be a safe-keeper, then doesn't holding the burden bothers you? Don't you have the urge of going to explodes any time soon. Or better yet, spills a bit to the one you knew that will keep the secrets together with you. Doesn't the cycles repeats itself?
Are you the type that can withstand any secrets been told? In which being fact that you have no interest of the secret itself in the first place, that gives you the ability of not muttering the words even the main topic brought forth? Lucky you.
If any of the SECRET are SACRED then why the need to share it in the first place? Then along came the oh-sorry-I-forgot-this-is-secret to cover your own asses. Being said, the secret has lost its value already!
Yes, I'm complaining because I was told a secret by someone, and damn to kept it safe. Damn me.
Friday, October 31, 2014
[Eng] Question: Is God a democrat or a dictator?
A famous statement on this was made by the late King Fahd of Saudi Arabia when he asserted that Islam and democracy were not compatible. The reason he used to prove his point has been articulated by many since and that is, in democracy, the highest power lies with the people while in Islam, it lies with God the Almighty.
Because of this, God is an absolute ruler, no ifs, ands or buts and, therefore, all other arguments about democracy (elections, respect for the opposition, the rule of law, freedom, tolerance, pluralism, even secularism) are said to be unnecessary, redundant or irrelevant.
However, if God really said that (namely, that He wanted to be a dictator and not a democrat), the answer in the many writings on this topic does seem to have a lot of ifs ands and buts and one of the most important is how popular elections are viewed in this context.
True enough, there is no mention of elections in the holy book or in the Prophet’s sayings: In Islam, leaders (caliphs, imams and so on) are selected, not elected, by wise members in the community.
Saturday, October 18, 2014
[BM] Review: Perubatan Islam dan Bukti Sains Moden
Perubatan Islam dan Bukti Sains Moden by Danial Zainal Abidin
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Buku ini membuka minda di kalangan muslim dalam memahami Ayat Alquran & Alhadith bagi penggunaan abad ini. Ini kerana masyarakat Islam dunia amnya & Malaysia khususnya hanya memandang Alquran &A Alhadith secara literal.
Dek kerana 'mahir' dalam penafsiran masing-masing, segala pembacaannya diberi takrifan menggunakan bahasa terjemahan yang difahami sahaja tanpa rujukan Alulama.
Penggabungan sumber kajian dunia dapat mengukuhkan iman seseorang dalam memahami 2 sumber agung yang ditinggalkan Rasulullah SAW. Ini kerana minda moden yang jumud kini banyak mengatakan tafsiran 2 sumber ini tak saintifik dek kurangnya pembuktian & perkaitan dengan kajian moden sedia ada.
Justeru, bukan sahaja kajian terhadap Alquran & Alhadith diaplikasikan dalam sains, malah, kajian sains sendiri perlu diislamkan hasilnya supaya lensa pemahaman isu dilihat dari sudut aqidah & addin bagi menghasilkan amalan yang dilakukan sebagai ibadah lillahitaala.
Buku ini insyallah mampu memberi penerangan lebih jelas dalam mengikat kajian sains dengan Kalam Allah yang suci ini.
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Tuesday, September 9, 2014
[Eng] I'm Not an Open Book
It is hard to believe whenever people described about me. In away, I have doubt it was even the truth. The descriptions were not negative nor degrading. It is just the opposite of reality that I am going through.
I noticed people tries to read me and gave their insights about what they knew me. Obviously, I am delighted when others tend to know me for who I am, instead of seing what I am struggling to be. Unfortunately, they just read the cover instead of the true content of this 'book'.
But why am I the one who feel disappointed? Other people that I know, have an open book personality which pronounce their character without the need to read in between the lines. To me, it is quite dangerous when showing too much of what should be kept safe, so that people wouldn't see the darkside of me.
I know that everyone has their own darkside. Shouldn't be a problem if other notices it earlier, isn't it? But being recognized by their bads, wouldn't enough been covered by the deed they have done.
I am not an open book, but do hope someone able to read between the lines. As taking too literal, just means that you are struggling with arts.
Saturday, August 16, 2014
[Eng] Unfortunate
The ability to listen, see & speak
Of a man who has bestowed by God
Shouldn't he uses his might useful
The unfortunate has long adapted
They struggles to prove themselves
Teaches all that powerless is evitable
Haven't we been deaf far too long
Claim unaware the cries of suffered
While we enjoying overly paid concertos
Haven't we been blind far too long
Claim unnoticed the blood pools
While we enjoying cutthroat cables
Aren't we been mute far too long
Claim unable demonstrate democracy
While we are backstabbing gruesomely
Yup, so called self unfortunate
Self pity proclaiming ineffectiveness
Stop doing that, you are an embarrassment
The deaf still able to intercepts
The blind still able to navigates
The mute still able to communicates
And I envy them all.
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
[BM] Memuliakan Kerjayamu
Bukan aspek kerjaya itu sendiri menjadikan diri itu mulia, tetapi sosok tubuh itu memuliakan kerjaya tersebut. Sesiapa boleh mengambil gelaran jawatan itu, namun, kekalkah kemuliaan itu andai akhlak tiada bersama.
Saturday, June 21, 2014
[BM] Review: Fikah Perubatan
Fikah Perubatan by Harmy Mohd Yusoff
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Penjelasan ringkas beserta dalil bagi menyokong taqlid hukum bertepatan dengan orang perseorangan.
Kita ingin melaksanakan ibadat meski dengan rukhsah, bukan memberatkan ibadat hingga memilih untuk mengabaikan.
Buku ini saya cadangkan juga buat para pengamal perubatan supaya cakna hukum-hakam supaya pelaksanaan kerja menjadi ibadat lillahi taala.
View all my reviews
Saturday, May 31, 2014
[BM] Lu Pikirlah Sendiri
Rumahmu semua dibina indonesia,
Ekonomi pula dikuasai cina,
Golongan profesional semuanya india,
Warung makan pun, mamak dan siam yang berkuasa,
Warga bangla pula menjadi JaGa,
Orang Nepal yang menabur baja,
Orang pakistan usung karpet jaja merata,
Lalu melayu ada apa?
Saturday, March 8, 2014
[BM] Santuni Bumi
Musnah sekelip mata,
Punca rakus beracun,
Lapar segala harta,
Hilang bunga & pohon,
Ganti besi & bata,
Berebut kawasan & zon,
Semua hendak mem'beta',
Tinggal doa memohon,
Untuk anak-anak kita,
Dapat redup dedaun,
Merasai nikmat Pencipta,
اللهم اجعلنا التائبون
قبل جاء الموتَ
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
[BM] Review: Teori Kaunseling Al-Ghazali
Teori Kaunseling Al-Ghazali by Yatimah Sarmani
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Kaunseling lebih praktikal jika dijiwai dengan adat & budaya masyarakat setempat. Namun, lebih banyak model kaunseling ditulis & dijadikan rujukan bersumberkan dari Barat.
Perkembangan umat Nabi Muhammad SAW berkembang bersama ilmu, dan ilmu tersebut bersangkutan dengan mencari keredhaan Ilahi. Justeru, keterlibatan kaunseling gaya Islam sudah tentu terangkum dalam salah satu cabang hidup manusia yang perlukan dorongan & bimbingan.
Buku ini mengulas kepentingan penerapan nilai Islam sebagai cara hidup & aspek penting dalam mengendalikan sesi bimbingan bagi kumpulan sasar beragama Islam. Ia merujuk dengan teknik Al-Ghazali antara pelopor generasi falsafah Muslim terawal mengulas isu keperibadian manusia dalam kitab Ihya Ulumuddin karangannya.
Ini mengingatkan kita bahawa tidak semestinya kebergantungan ilmu hanya dari pandangan sekular, kerana mengislamkan karya ilmu itu sendiri harus selari dengan kehendak agama, bukan kehendak nafsu.
Moga buku ini membuka pandangan & fikiran ahli pembimbing (daie) yang mahukan terbaik buat kliennya (mad'uu) dalam mengacu proses kaunseling gaya Islam.
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Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Thursday, February 6, 2014
[BM] Review: Khomeinisma: Keganjilan Pada Pegangan & Pendirian

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Dalam kemelut 'politik mazhab' Dunia Islam kini, ramai yang sangsi akan kebenaran pegangan Agama Suci dek kerana punca pergaduhan Sunni-Syiah.
Lebih malang apabila ada yang mengatakan 2 'mazhab' ini seharusnya bergabung melawan golongan kuffar. Namun, hakikatnya pemahaman cetek sebahagian Ummat Islam terhadap isu Syiah, mengakibatkan kezaliman & pembohongan mereka dikaburi dek kalam 'hak asasi'.
Buku ini sekurang-kurangnya memperjelaskan secara ringkas isu Khomeinisma & pegangan syiah serta bagaimana mereka melihat kedudukan Aqidah & hukum-hakam dalam beragama.
Meskipun terbitan ini terhad, hanya di Bumi Mesir & kalangan penuntut Malaysia, diharap ulang terbitan yang seterusnya dapat menembusi pasaran di Malaysia bagi berdepan dengan isu Syiah Malaysia yang semakin terzahir
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Sunday, January 19, 2014
[Eng] We are the taste of harmony
What's the point of quarreling between us citizen in terms of diversity & opinions?
If none could tolerate any of this, go some where else-lah.
We are Malaysians.
We live in a perfect balance of taste & features.
Just like our own favorites dish..
MEE GORENG MAMAK (now comes with 1Malaysia Brand)