Thursday, August 1, 2013

[Eng] The Blind Doctor (part 2)

[Intro songs starts, audience clapping]

Andrew (A): Hello and welcome back to our show. The show where we share experience of one of our new brothers and sisters who embraces Islam as their religion of choice. Addin that our God, Allah Almighty, we worship and nothing but Him.

Tonight with us ladies and gentlemen, give him a warm welcome of applause, Dr Fattah Al-Amin. Nice to have you here doctor.

Dr Fattah (Dr): Thank you, Andrew.

A: Dr Fattah Al-Amin, born in a Catholic family. Your name before was Frank Archer, am I right?

Dr:Yes, Andrew. It is Franklin Anthony Archer. And I still use that name in some event though. But during introduction, I'd prefer to use Fattah Al-Amin.

A: Well folks, as you all knew, Dr Fattah was been with us from the beginning. He has shared with us his early blindfolded era. Am I using the correct term here doctor?

Dr: Yes Andrew. The same as what we have practices backstage prior. [Crowd laugh altogether]