Saturday, May 16, 2009

[Eng/ Photo] Who You Are and Where I Am..

I'm nobody without you
Who came to me without hesitation
Tought me the everything about life
Never stop even a second
Nor even I'm not listening
Nor bored repeating
Kept giving without taking
Makes everything you do priceless

You'll never stop what you did best
Moulding a HUMAN for sake of Humanity
Who would give good for the better future
Thanks to you My Teacher
Who made me where I now stand

Thursday, May 14, 2009

[BM/ Eng] Balik Lagi Tahun Ni

~aku tak jangka nak balik lagi tahun, but something come up which change my mind suddenly~

"Rasanya tahun ni tak balik kot. Cukup kot kalo 2 tahun sekali balik Malaysia kan?", the line I used explaining to all family members & my friends.

"Kalau ada rezeki lebih saya balik la, mana tau kot-kot boring duduk kat Mesir tu," who thought that this line would really meant that I'll fly to home again this year.