Your own secrets, your friends or even work related. How good are you avoiding of becoming a blabber mouth? Are you always the kind of generous type who share the story regardless being told in the first place that it's a secret?
If you are the type claiming to be a safe-keeper, then doesn't holding the burden bothers you? Don't you have the urge of going to explodes any time soon. Or better yet, spills a bit to the one you knew that will keep the secrets together with you. Doesn't the cycles repeats itself?
Are you the type that can withstand any secrets been told? In which being fact that you have no interest of the secret itself in the first place, that gives you the ability of not muttering the words even the main topic brought forth? Lucky you.
If any of the SECRET are SACRED then why the need to share it in the first place? Then along came the oh-sorry-I-forgot-this-is-secret to cover your own asses. Being said, the secret has lost its value already!
Yes, I'm complaining because I was told a secret by someone, and damn to kept it safe. Damn me.