Monday, October 15, 2012

[BM] Adat Merungut

Aku merasakan diri aku berada dalam satu komuniti yang amat suka merungut. Ya, SUKA MERUNGUT. Tulisan kali ini juga hasil didikan dan propaganda yang mungkin telah lama diterapkan dalam hati serta minda dari orang-orang di sekeliling aku.

Mungkin kali ini seolah-olah berlaku kontradiksi dengan entri yang lepas. Saban tahun aku tak pernah kisah bila kawan & bukan kawan untuk berkongsi sesuatu. Sama ada cara datang itu memang dirancang, ataupun sambil-sambil ber'kedai kopi'. Cuma sini aku nak bagi tekankan terdapat banyak jurang perbezaan antara "bercerita", "perkongsian", "minta nasihat" & "merungut". Semestinya aku benci yang terakhir itu.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

[Eng] As a Muslim, What will you do?

When someone questions Existence of God then challenged part of your religion teachings, what will you do? Should you react calmly and tries to explain in a good manner or would you throw away everything that you have learn and blatantly accusing for blasphemy?

Ever since there was the social media technology present, whenever this type of issue (re)surfaces, the most common path that the commenter chose was the latter.

Quiet  recently, my email notification brought me back to my old place of debate to such matter.
This particular person whom I have made discussion (I prefer this term more than 'debate') with left me this:
I missed this part of your reply.. and "When the Judgement day come, pray that the judging is done by The God we believe in".. now, that's how all of us should think, that's how peace are made. That's what some of us have been telling the world, but some "groups" are too damn dumb to understand, and too effing self-centered to accept the reality.. I wish you well my friend. For i hope you're sincere, then this world would become a better place. As i said before, "Open your heart", and you did..