Monday, March 23, 2009

[Photo] MARA ZQ 1st Batch

Aku saja je nak buh gambar ni. Macam best.

Tapi sorang lagi je tak ada. Kalau tak cukup korom.

Dari kiri: Faiz, Irfan Aqli, aku, Hazwan, Firdaus

Thursday, March 5, 2009

[Eng] What Has Happen 2 U Lately

-Procrastination of everything
-Ignoring UR core business
-DeTour in UR head
-Finishing the job only if others sees the outcome
-Reaching for fame @ modest?
-Ignoring people around & came back only when need them around

Sunday, March 1, 2009

[Photo] Just around the corner

The schedule are out & our exam will start in May 2009