Monday, August 1, 2016

[Eng] Annoyed with such selfishness

Sepanjang perjalanan dalam ambulans aku ‪#‎beratib‬ "kurang ajar" 33x, "tak faham bahasa" 33x, "ke tepi" 33x.
Dengan pekik lolong siren dari harakat panjang, jadi pendek, tambah dengan bunyi hon & lampu besar, itupun masih lagi tak bergerak kereta-kereta ni ke tepi untuk beri laluan.
Nak lagi best, siap nampak berpegang talifon di telinga kanan, tangan kiri di stereng. Kebanyakkannya kereta berjenama & jenis baharu. Ada juga yang cabok, tapi itupun tau nak ke tepi.
Wahai pemandu kereta di Malaysia, bukalah telinga untuk dengar Siren, bukalah mata untuk lihat lampu kecemasan, bukalah hati untuk belajar yang semua itu tanda kita bawa pesakit dalam keadaan tenat ke hospital.
Aku sangat berharap untuk pasang kamera di depan ambulans supaya dapat tunjuk bukti pemandu yang menghalang lalu lintas tatkala kecemasan.

I've rant this in my FB status after enraged with our Malaysian Driver's ignorance whilst driving on the road. Such behavior almost risking 2 lives (mother & her soon to be born fetus) which we were trying to save by transferring to a Tertiary Hospital for further management.

Though both are safe in the end, but the road condition may causing delay of birth or even handling the labour in an ambulance which could risk both lives.

This is what happens in everyday case handled by Medical Providers in Districts (either clinics or hospitals). Life threatening condition occurs due to delay of transfer to well equipped facilities albeit adequate initial measures provided.

Such delay was not even lies on our (clinic/hospital) mainly, but due to road traffic jam. If anyone experienced transporting patients using any road in Peninsular Malaysia (I don't know about East Malaysia), they sure understood such implications.

So please Malaysian Drivers, your selfishness is unneeded for unwanted AVOIDABLE DEATH.

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